About the webcluster

These pages are a personnal project beginning in august 2004.
Running a freeware DXcluster software for few months (DXNET) with a telnet connection, I wished to be able to use this software via a Web interface. I took as a starting point the famous DXSummit OH2AQ to do this. With time, I change the design and added some options that I found useful (perhaps, you don't hi)...
After about 10 years using DXnet I upgrade the software to DXSpider on october 29th 2010.

For other information about my radio activities visit my homepage (mostly in french).

Support this project

The actual cost and effort of creating F5LEN Webcluster, has been paid by a single individual. However, if it was useful to you, please consider donating to support the maintenance costs of the system.

Many thanks to our donors

Graham Laming
Hellmut, DF5FF
Jean-Luc, F4AWH
Marcq,, CT1BWW
Michel, ON7MIC
Michel, F5UMP
Rudolf, HB9CQL
Ferdinand, DC8EC
Paolo, IZ5CMB
G6LAU, Dave
G8XVJ, Erik
VK4DD Ron,
HB9SLO Bertrand,
F6BGV Jean-Pierre,
SP7DAD Andrzej,
K1PX Jim,
DL8PA Jürgen,
F3TK Jean,
HB9IIO Daniel,
F6HDI Christian,
ON5HY Guy.
F5LVL Fernand
SP7HOV Zbigniew
CT1BWW, Manuel
DJ3AK, Detlef

Info about system

The system is based on DXSpider.
DXSpider is running on a Linux system powered by Centos on a dual-processors Xeon with 2GB Ram. This machine is larger than what is required for running DXSpider but it also hosts some other applications. The machine is located at home.
F5LEN-7 is linked to the european dxcluster network with a telnet connection other internet trough a DSL 2048/160Kb line. The first partner node was IK5ZUK-6 (sysop Luigi IK5ZUK).
Now the cluster is linked to DB0SPC (Saar-Pfalz-Cluster), F5KBW cluster of the Bordeau DX Group and to F6FGZ near Paris.
For better performance and larger bandwidth all content is replicated on an other machine hosted at OHV. The web front end is based on some bash C and php scripts running on the system. This web interface is designed as light as possible to minimize the size of datas which travel trough the internet and to optimise the speeds of the informations. The server is down once a week monday morning 0400am to 0410am local time (CET)

Telnet access

A telnet access is available at dxcluster.f5len.org on port 7373 .
Try telnet://dxcluster.f5len.org:7373
If you need a Telnet client software, take a look here:

Smartphones access

If you have a smartphone, tablet, any mobiles devices use the URL below:

Hope this service could help you in your DX quest!...
Vy 73's Pascal - F5LEN

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(c) F5LEN - 2004 - 2025